1. January(一月)
2. February(二月)
February一词源自拉丁语的Febrarius(意为“洁净的月份”),古罗马曾在二月份举行洗礼仪式和祭祀。这个月的别名是“Leap Month”(闰月),因为每四年会加入一天,保持阳历与季节的同步。二月份的一个重大节日是节,许多人会在这一天向自己的配偶或恋人表达爱意。
3. March(三月)
March一词源自拉丁语的Martius(Mars的月份),是罗马神话中的战神——马尔斯的名称。这个月的另一个别名是“Spring Month”(春季月份),因为它标志着春季的开始。三月份有圣帕特里克节,它是爱尔兰文化的象征,庆祝这个**的守护神圣帕特里克。
4. April(四月)
April一词源自拉丁语的Aprilis(开花的月份),因为四月份是春季的盛开期。这个月的另一个别名是“Easter Month”(复活节月份),因为复活节通常在这个月内庆祝。复活节是基督教最重要的节日之一,庆祝耶稣的复活。
5. May(五月)
May一词源自古罗马的Goddess Maia(繁荣之神),这是一个古老的名称,表示五月份的新生活和繁荣。五月份是春季和夏季之间的重要时期,许多地区有庆祝节日,比如墨西哥的Cinco de Mayo节日。
6. June(六月)
June一词源自罗马神话中的女神Juno(朱诺),是与女性和婚姻有关的女神之一。在古罗马社会中,六月份是结婚的热门月份。这个月的另一个别名是“Midsummer Month”(仲夏月份),因为在北半球,6月21日是夏至,是一年中白天最长的日子。
7. July(七月)
July一词源自古罗马将领Julius Caesar(朱利叶斯·凯撒),他生于七月份,所以该月改名为July,以纪念他的功绩。七月份也是美国的节月份,庆祝美国的。
8. August(八月)
August一词源自古罗马帝国的首席皇帝Augustus Caesar(屋大维·奥古斯都),屋大维是罗马帝国最有权势的皇帝之一,因此八月份被改名为August。8月份也是众多**和组织中的女性和母亲的庆祝月份。
9. September(九月)
10. October(十月)
11. November(十一月)
12. December(十二月)
Great! 下面为您呈现英语十二个月份的单词。
1. January(一月)
January is the first month of the year. The name “January” comes from the Latin word Janus, which means “doorway” or “gate”. In ancient Roman mythology, Janus was the god of beginnings, endings, and transitions. January is a time for new beginnings and setting goals for the year ahead.
2. February(二月)
February is the second month of the year. It is the shortest month, with only 28 days (or 29 in a leap year). The name “February” comes from the Latin word “februum”, which means “purification”. This is because February was the month when the ancient Romans performed purification rituals.
3. March(三月)
March is the third month of the year. The name “March” comes from the Latin word “Martius”, which is named after Mars, the Roman god of war. In ancient Rome, March was the beginning of the military campaign season.
4. April(四月)
April is the fourth month of the year. The name “April” comes from the Latin word “aperire”, which means “to open”. April is a time when flowers begin to bloom and trees start to grow new leaves, symbolizing the “opening” of spring.
5. May(五月)
May is the fifth month of the year. The name “May” comes from the Roman goddess Maia, who was associated with spring and growth. May is a time when the weather starts to become warmer and people start to spend more time outside.
6. June(六月)
June is the sixth month of the year. The name “June” comes from the Roman goddess Juno, who was the goddess of marriage and childbirth. June is a popular month for weddings, as the weather is usually warm and sunny.
7. July(七月)
July is the seventh month of the year. It was named after Julius Caesar, the famous Roman general and politician. July is a popular month for vacations, as it is typically warm and sunny in many parts of the world.
8. August(八月)
August is the eighth month of the year. It was named after Augustus Caesar, the first emperor of Rome. August is a time when many people go on vacation, as it is one of the last months of summer.
9. September(九月)
September is the ninth month of the year. The name “September” comes from the Latin word “septem”, which means “seven”. This is because September was once the seventh month on the Roman calendar.
10. October(十月)
October is the tenth month of the year. The name “October” comes from the Latin word “octo”, which means “eight”. This is because October was once the eighth month on the Roman calendar.
11. November(十一月)
November is the eleventh month of the year. The name “November” comes from the Latin word “novem”, which means “nine”. This is because November was once the ninth month on the Roman calendar.
12. December(十二月)
December is the twelfth and final month of the year. The name “December” comes from the Latin word “decem”, which means “ten”. This is because December was once the tenth month on the Roman calendar.